AAM is the on-site EXECUTIVE BODY of the Akany Madagascar Foundation.
The AKANY MADAGASCAR ASSOCIATION has its official headquarters
LOT IVN 24A ANKADITAPAKA-NORD 101 ANTANANARIVO - MADAGASCA. The training location is on the "AKANY FANDROSOANA" site in AMBOHINAMBO - TALAMATY - 102 AMBOHIDRATRIMO - MADAGASCAR. The website traces in photos with commentary all our activities of evangelization and respect for the Environment (for Christians: respect for the Creation of the Creator)
IBAN MG46000050000272884681000135
2 Corinthians 9 v 7
Thursday July 18, 2019
THE FOUNDATION FORMATION EVANGELIQUE & ENVIRONNEMENT or "FONDATION AKANY MADA" FAM aims, in the implementation and the support of any initiative of accompaniment and assistance likely to contribute to the FORMATION of the executives of the churches by propagating the Gospel while acquiring the necessary tools to sensitize those concerned and even the public to respect for the environment, the flora and fauna of Madagascar.
The Akany Madagascar Association, the executive body, in partnership with other organizations also aims to help the population of the South victim of Kéré, persistent drought and non-existent rains.
1 Timothy 6.17 Commends the rich of this world not to be proud, and not to put their hope in riches which are uncertain, but to put it in * '“God, who abundantly gives us all things that we may enjoy. ”
Hebrews 2 2.6 Now there is a man testifying somewhere, What is man, that you remember him, or the son of man, that you care for him?
2.7 You lowered him for a little while below the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor,
2.8 * ‘You put all things under his feet. In fact, in submitting all things to him, God left nothing that was not subject to him. However, we do not yet see now that all things are subject to him. ”
Madagascar November /
December 2021
ACTION AGAINST HUNGER in AMBOVOMBE: MISSION of "AAM" "KERE": Hunger due to climate and environmental disruption
Dear brothers and sisters of the "community on the way", dear Mutti Schorn, First of all, we apologize that this promised report arrives very late. Thank you for your patience! Now, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your great donation for the people of southern Madagascar who are suffering from famine; and above all thank you for the prayers. We, from Verein AAM (Association Akany Madagascar - translated into German family home from Madagascar) we feel blessed, as in Paul's day in 1 Corinthians 16: 3: “... reliable men (and women) from your congregation have brought the collected money to Jerusalem bring ". In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul spoke of Titus and his 2 companions who brought the gift to Jerusalem. 2 Corinthians 9:12: “Your donation would soon have two beneficial effects: * he would not only help Christians in need, * but would also encourage many people to thank God ”. The community made a donation (*) through Jean Pierre Rummens, the head of the Feed the Hungry association, for legal reasons via a money transfer. He himself made a donation (*). We, at the AAM association, all live in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, and we do not know the situation in southern Madagascar, where famine is rife. We place the mission before God. This is how we came into contact with Pastor Raymond. He reports to Marcel the famine at the start of the pandemic. He runs a parish in Ambovombe, a relatively medium-sized village 100 km south of Fort-Dauphin, the capital of the Anosy region. The biggest problem is the very severe drought: the lack of rain. Statistics speak of 2 days of rain per year. The region is the largest region in terms of area in Madagascar. It has only 2 inhabitants per square kilometer. They live in the most difficult climatic conditions and Kere (famine) keeps coming back. The main vegetation consists of cacti, thorns and thistles. There are oases where most of the big villages are formed. But above all the villages are far from each other, without water and very poor. We absolutely needed a contact person on site: Pastor Raymond is the head of the Rhema congregation, Ambassadeurs de Dieu (ambassadeurs de Dieu) in Ambovombe. However, there are 11 "side churches" in the vicinity, scattered even further south, the furthest is at Tsiombe (50 km from Ambovombe, sand track). The further south you go, the greater the risk. A list of families in need has been drawn up. Each family received 8kg of rice (the main food of the Malagasy family); 1kg of sugar, 1kg of beans and 1 bottle of oil. For this 1st mission in November 2021, after prayers, after seeking the direction of God and in consultation with Pastor Raymond, we have chosen 2 places to distribute basic food and a gift before Christmas. The driver, Mr Cool, who is recommended to us by brothers and sisters of the FGBMFI (Full Gospel Bussnessman Fellowship International), is an experienced driver and knows the area very well. He was very helpful throughout the mission. We thank God for this. 1-. Ambohinaivo is the first distribution point: A village (30 km from Ambovombe, an hour's drive) where there is also a suburb of Rhema Ambassador of God. 30 families were waiting there. A visit to the mayor was authorized, as usual. 2-. The central distribution point was Ambondro. The largest village is 30 km from Ambohinaïvo and a half hour drive away. Families from 3 other parishes in Rhema came here. The furthest path is 19-20 km on foot. Only people in better conditions must come because they came on foot. There is no Taxi-Brousse traffic. Some are with rented carts, we paid the rent. It was mostly women who came. In total, there were about 250 families or representatives. We were also here to visit the mayor of Ambondro. But there was a difference: he is a Christian and a member of the local church. 3-. In Ambovombe we carried out a “before Christmas” distribution. In the main parish too, many brothers and sisters are on the border of Kere, at least they live on the border of poverty and Kere. In the bag distributed for 200 there was pasta (ramen noodles, spaghetti). We also shared soaps for hygiene reasons. If you don't have enough money to buy food, you won't buy soap either. We gave cookies during the children's service. You could feel the children's joy before Christmas. Overall, the distributions were peaceful. There were 40 50 kg bags (2400 kg) of rice, 5 50 kg bags of sugar, 300 liters of oil, 300 kg of beans, 800 ramen noodles, 200 spaghetti, 400 pieces of soap and cookies for the children. children. Everyone is grateful for the donation / gift. The on-site mission lasted 4 days. The first day was spent buying groceries and bagging them. Parishioners had to work all night. The team left Ambovombe very early the next morning. Before the start of packing, there was a little service. Geneviève brought the word. Besides, there was always such an evangelization, it was Héryle's turn the next day. Nivo spoke in the service of children and distributed a small children's book published by AAM, which tells of God's creation. Unfortunately, our environment is being ruined by our work. So it's a situation like Kere. Christians can participate with God's help. On Sunday, Marcel preached on the Holy Spirit during the main service in Ambovombe. The AAM (Verein Association Akany Madagascar) team was made up of Marcel, a former Bible student from the parish en route, Berlin, and his wife Nivo. They are the leaders of the Congregation Loharanon'Aina (Spring of Life) in Antananarivo. Then Holy, a very active woman of God in her kingdom, and in the end, Hery and his wife Geneviève, both made contact with a few people via the driver Mister Cool for the foundation of a chapter of the FGBMFI. During one of her trips to Madagascar 30 years ago, Mutti Schorn took with her the head of a Berlin section, Jean Pierre Witzmann. Sadly, he passed away this year. Geneviève and Hery are active members of the FGBMFI and founders of the APA association (fishing evangelization among street children). We are all connected by Jesus, his love and by our spiritual mother Irmgard Schorn. We were often invited to dine with members of different parishes: the receptions were beautiful, despite their poverty. We experienced a great and beautiful surprise and it brought joy to our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, as well as to the residents. It rained the 2nd morning (Sunday morning and Monday) for 20 minutes. God answered prayers. Pastor Raymond called recently and said that our mission resulted in a great baptism. 53 people were baptized. A section of the FGBMFI was also founded. Everyone is very grateful. We from the AAM, and from Loharanon'aina, the congregation of Marcel, and the Christians of all the Rhema congregations in Ambovombe thank you for your abundant gift. Thank you also for the prayers as spiritual fruits grew through them. We thank our dear Irmgard Schorn very much, she has always had a heart for Madagascar and has done so much for us. We thank you all, pastors of the congregation on the way, Kurt Gruhlke and all the brothers and sisters of the congregation. We also thank Jean Pierre Rummens of the association Feed The Hungry for his great availability and his gift. God be with him. Many thanks also to our AAM founders, Rajoharison Soma and Charline, Chelles-France. May God accompany them in their ages! We plan to head back south at the end of January 2022 to carry out the second mission. For this we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the protection of God, unity in the Spirit, so that the other brothers and sisters there can be helped again in the Lord. We thank you already for your prayers! We wish you a good harmony in this new year. Members of the AAM (ASSOCIATION AKANY MADAGASCAR) www.fondationfam.fr